NZ-Made Bath Soaks & Magnesium Oils to Help You
Stress Less, Relax More, and Feel Fabulous!
Thank you for visiting our fundraising page and for your ongoing support of the important fundraising we have to do.
Our pre-school relies so much on fundraising. We've not had much success in recent years, thanks to Covid and now being cut off by the flooding.
Here's a little bit of info about us, and what the funds you help us raise will go towards:
Pongaroa early years is a rural preschool nestled in the heart of farming country in Pongaroa. It is the only early childhood centre within an hour’s drive, ensuring rural tamariki can have access to an early childhood education.
PEY is completely fees free, as well as community owned. It is run by a board of volunteer members who work extremely hard to raise funds so we can hire early childhood teachers and keep this amazing community asset open. Without the constant efforts of our members and community, fundraising and looking for grants we wouldn’t be able to have a preschool at all.
The main aim of PEY is the quality education for tamariki before they start school. The first five years of a child's life is when a lot of their brain connections and development is made. Along with social skills needed to enter school life. Our centre can help this happen.
We will continue to be a fees free centre to ensure that every single child, zero to five can have an early education in a safe and nurturing environment. All with a rural farm life flare.
Here's how you can help us:
Every purchase you make using our code will mean a donation of up to 32%*.
Salt & Oil is a New Zealand company that makes small-batch bath soak and magnesium oils from natural, ethically-sourced ingredients. Their products are magnesium-based, which is great for relieving tired, sore muscles, improving sleep and easing feelings of anxiety and stress. They're suitable for all the family and make lovely and useful gifts. They also offer wellbeing and homeware items from other small NZ businesses.
What to do now:
1 - Head to the Shop, and choose your items. All gift sets and reduced items receive only 10% as they are already at reduced prices. Thank you for your understanding.
2 - In your cart promo code box you MUST add code PEY to be counted towards the total. The total is calculated from products only; shipping costs are not included.
3 - The fundraiser starts on Friday 10 March, and finishes on Friday 24 March. You can choose to pay for delivery so you get your order straight away (note - there is free Urban Shipping for orders over $75) OR select 'local pick up' so you don't pay for the courier. Your order will then be sent to Caroline, the fundraiser coordinator, and you can collect it from her at the end of the fortnight.
4 - If you'd like to support this fundraiser further, please consider sharing this page with your friends and family on social media, by email etc so they can place their own order, no matter where they are in NZ. Every small order can help to make a big difference. If you like, you can collate orders from friends and family and place one larger order online (take advantage of the free urban delivery if over $75).
* For total orders of under $1000 by the end of the fundraiser, the school receives 20% cashback.
For orders over $1001 this rises to 32%.
PS - A quick bit about the products:
Bath soaks are not just for granny! The NZ men’s rugby team players use the SO:Active blend to help with muscle recovery after matches. This is a great one to support the sporty people in your life.
“I regularly order the 'So Active' bath salts for my 14-year-old who doesn't like to do warm-down stretches after football training/games. Instead he has a good soak in the bath with these salts, and they work brilliantly to help relax his muscles. I occasionally use them too when I'm feeling sore & stiff and love them - they are our go-to product for sore muscles!”
Catherine F.
If you don’t have a bath but would still like to show your suport, why not try a Magnesium Oil spray? Choose from unscented or lavender, which is great for relaxing into sleep. Both oils are a great way to boost your magnesium levels. Simply spray onto your skin and rub it in. Great for easing your muscles after a workout or training session.
"This is how you’re going to get some sleep at night. Buy the magnesium spray with lavender. Spray it on the soles of your feet. Done. I’m getting the best sleep in years because of this exact thing."
Lou D