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Two of our best muscle-soothing bath soaks, and a bottle of magnesium oil spray - Your muscles are going to love this gift!


SO:Active is our original recovery bath soak that was designed for the New Zealand men's rugby team.

SO:Soothing is a lovely rejuvenating blend for mind and body.

Both can also be used as a relaxing foot soak or as a body scrub in the shower.


Magnesium oil is a fast, easy way to safely top up your magnesium levels. Active people get through a lot of their body's magnesium supply during their workout, match or big event. A 10-second massage with mag oil is a great way to top up on this essential mineral.


Cost of individual items is $52.50.


Our special price of $46.50 is about half the price of a one-off massage, and the benefits will last longer!


Please note for fundraisers, gift sets earn 10% only.


Is this a gift? Why not add a Detox Clay Face Mask for $7.50 or some Whittakers Creamy Milk Chocolate for only $1.50? When you write your gift note, remember to say who it's from!





At checkout, please consider selecting the bank transfer option – the credit card option fees are hefty, and we don’t want to have to put prices up to deal with this. Thank you so much.

Muscle Soothing Set

  • Who do you know that always has a stiff this or a niggly that?!

    Someone who is training for an event like a half marathon or triathlon.

    Know a CrossFit fanatic or a regular gym-goer?

    What about that weekend warrior whose head is still in the game but whose body is starting to suffer?!

    Tennis players, golfers, swimmers, joggers, even heavy duty gardeners would all be chuffed at the relief this good fix of magnesium brings.

    Remember - they don't need a bath to benefit - soothing foot soaks or body scrubs in the shower will still get the good stuff into them.

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