Whether it's for yourself as a regular part of your self care routine, or as a gift for a friend, why might you choose our locally-made natural bath salts over the other options available?
For example, you could easily pop some Epsom salt in your trolley next time you’re at the supermarket. That is better than wasting a bath by NOT having Epsom salt in it!*
But there is a reason the supermarket brands are so cheap. These Epsom salts are a compound made in factories by combining magnesium, sulphur and oxygen. Whereas the Epsom salt we use is a natural one that is food grade. It’s a raw material that is sustainably extracted from natural deposits in Germany. It’s also an Approved Ingredient by Australian Certified Organic for manufacturing Organic and Bio-Dynamic certified products.
Our colourful pouch blends also contain natural essential oils with their added benefits. Though we do have a plain, unscented Epsom salt too.
Or you can find Epsom salt in plastic tubs at your local pharmacy. They cost about the same per gram as our natural soaks**, but are also the man-made kind of Epsom salt. Again, it’s better to get the magnesium into you than not. But you just want to make sure of the quality of them.
We also supply float centres with bulk amounts of the natural Epsom salt. Some of these float pods arrived from abroad pre-supplied with factory-made Epsom salts from China. They then get in touch with us for the natural option when they see just how much other unwanted bits and pieces come to light in the water once they’ve added the salt. And with 500kg of Epsom salt per float pod, that’s quite a lot of nasties to be floating in.

While you’re at the supermarket or chemist, you might think that a bottle of liquid muscle soak or bubble bath would do the job instead. But have you seen the list of ingredients? As well as being fairly unpronounceable, they don’t contain magnesium. And that miracle mineral is the stuff you want, as it does a lot more than just soothe tired muscles.*
You’ve also got the choice of more upmarket offerings in the bath soak realm. But those heavy glass jars or tiny test tubes and dried petals really do add to the expense. I admit they look stunning on the shelves, and make our pouches look dull in comparison. But the cost per bath can be eye-watering! You might be tempted to eke out your supply. But then you’re not getting the benefit of the magnesium*. In fact, with some of them being so stuffed full of dried flowers, you’re not getting much magnesium at all. They do look wonderful as a special gift. But think of it this way - giving your friend or family member the gift of more magnesium to soothe their minds and bodies is an even better gift!

And, if you’re like me, you also won’t relish the thought of scooping soggy petals off the side of the bath when you’re finished!
* Adding Epsom salt to your warm bath so you can absorb the magnesium sulphate will supercharge your soak time by helping to:
Soothe stress and tension
Ease aches and niggles
Soothe a racing mind
Restore energy levels
Detox your body
Improve mood
Support good sleep
** Some things to bear in mind when taking price into account:
Every time you order from us online you’re earning SO:Rewarding points that give you money off your future orders.
We have bulk buy options permanently available.
Often free shipping with a certain spend amount.
And we love to treat you with surprise offers. In fact, there’s one for you at the end of this blog!
Also, your purchase means a donation to our charity of the month, which makes you AWESOME!!

What’s our offer for this blog? If your order is over $40 enter code CHOOSE into the promo code box at checkout. In the notes section tell us which free bath soak pouch (worth $14.50) you’ve chosen for yourself and we’ll add that to your box as a treat.
If you're gift-shopping, remember to tell us what to write on your gift note. And have a look at the Extras section to add a special touch. The Whittakers milk chocolate bars are proving popular. Which is handy, or I'd be tempted to eat them!

At Salt & Oil we make magnesium-filled bath soaks and magnesium oil sprays to help you relax and feel good. And we support other NZ businesses by stocking their well-being gifts.
If you'd like to find out more, and be in to win our monthly gift draw, sign up to our Weekly Soak email for offers and info:
Best wishes
Dionne x